I normally do monthly favourite posts, but this month I have been loving SO much and I just couldn't wait to the end of the month to share them all with you so I thought I would just do a random favourites post now and then at the end of the month I'll do another one :)
The book 'The Fault In Our Stars' has by far been my number 1 book! I read this last summer as well and fell in love with it and with the movie coming out I thought that I should refresh my memory (or ruin my emotions after only recovering from reading it the last time!) and so I re-read it before going to see the movie (which I see tonight!) and I can honestly say it still made me cry the second time round which to me shows how good of a book it actually is. If you haven't read or heard of this book then firstly where have you been recently and secondly GO BUY IT that is an order from me to you because it is so good and heart wrenching and beautiful :)
I am a lover of lip products and when I saw a lot of people recommending this particular lip balm I just had to try it! I'm a bit late on the band wagon but better late than never I suppose! Anyway, this lip butter by Nivea is my new favourite lip balm to put on for just lazy, around the house days and I also put some on before putting on a bright lipstick. It is really moisturising and rich on the lips and makes them really soft and smooth. Also the flavour is incredible and I could honestly just smell the tin all day..
On the topic of me loving lip products, another one the I have just discovered I am obsessed with is the Revlon Colorburst matte lip balms. I only have this one in the colour 'Showy' which is a beautiful bright pink colour. It really is quite bright but honestly with the right make up look it's easy to pull it off. if I can you can too! I will definitely be buying more colours in this product as it is so long lasting and the price, £7.99 isn't too bad considering how amazing the product is! :) I got mine at Boots; http://www.boots.com/en/Revlon-ColorBurst-8482-Matte-Balm_1416281/ (however you can get them at Superdrug, Feel Unique and any other stockists of Revlon)
My last current favourite is a piece of jewelry which has been on trend recently and at first I wasn't really a lover of them but then I found this one from Miss Selfridge and fell in love with how cute it was! I love flowers and the little beads in the middle of each flower really sets it off. The coral pink colour is really nice and matches a lot of my clothes, however there was other colour options and I think I will have to go back and get more of the colours!
I got this choker from the Miss Selfridge shop, and it is also available on their website;http://www.missselfridge.com/en/msuk/product/accessories-299050/jewellery-1917538/necklaces-299214/coral-flower-choker-2920445?refinements=category~%5b267536%7c267535%5d&bi=1&ps=40
That has been most of my current favourites this month, there has been way more but I'll save them for the end of the month! :)
Hope you enjoyed, leave a comment telling me your favourites of the month and I'll more than likely try them out!!
Until next time, Lisa xx
*Disclaimer- I am not sponsored, all views are my own and I bought everything myself*