Saturday, 25 May 2013

I'm in chocolate heaven!

Hello again everyone! :D

I have something very important to blog about today - chocolate!

Yes, my all time favourite thing in this whole entire world :D 

You may have heard of the new Cadbury's Marvellous Creations chocolate bars if you live in the UK (Not quite sure where else they are sold!) but I know for definate that you can buy these in the UK.

There are 2 different types of this bar that you can chose from; Cookie Nut Crunch and Jelly Popping Candy Shells. I was extremely excited to try both of these bars as they both looked so darn scrummylicious!! (Yes that is a word in my mind!) and I am a big believer in trying all things new (in the chocolate and food world anyway!) 

I'll start of with my least favourite of the two and that was the Cookie Nut Crunch, in my opinion I don't really like when they put cookie pieces into a chocolate bar, it's just not right and it really didn't work in this bar. The chocolate was too beautiful to be ruined with some cookie pieces in it, however if you do like when they put cookie pieces inside a chocolate bar then you will probably like this bar cause it is just bursting with them! Then there are some nutty things inside as well - I think they are hazelnut and almonds. I do like Cadbury Whole Nut so I didn't think I would mind having nuts in this bar, but the almonds had like caramel apparently on them and I DESPISE caramel anything! It is just a vile substance to put into my mouth!! I hate the taste of it! And I mean I love food and I love all things sweet but there is just something about caramel that I can not stand! Overall I wasn't really a big fan of the Cookie Nut Crunch and I don't think I will be repurchasing it!

NOW....we move on to the best chocolate bar EVER TO BE CREATED ON THIS EARTH OR ANYWHERE ELSE! (I think so anyway!) The Cadbury Jelly Popping Candy Shells Chocolate Bar! I mean seriously the inventor of this bar needs an award or something! :D so thank you to the human, dog, robot or whatever it was that made this chocolate, you have completed my life. 

Lets begin with the chocolate being the creamiest, most melt in the mouth chocolate that Cadbury's has ever been. I didn't think it would ever be possible as Cadbury's chocolate is already so god damn beautiful but they have outdone themselves this time as it is perfect - the chocolate is perfect.
Then to make it even better they fully load the chocolate with Popping Candy - POPPING CANDY! My childhood has been reinstated! I can now eat popping candy without looking a 5 year old! Popping Candy is seriously so good, I don't know how they make it but I love letting the chocolate melt in my mouth and then being left with a ball of popping candy's at the end just to sit on my tongue and pop away! Weird as it sounds it is a pleasant feeling :D
Moving on in to the chocolate bar, along with the chocolate and the popping candy they also add in 'Sugar Coated Cocoa Candies' but in my head they are basically Smarties...but yeah these just add even more chocolate-y depth to the bar and make it even more delicious than anyone could ever imagine!
If I were to change one thing it would be the Fruit Flavoured Jelly Sweets which they implant like 2/3 throughout the whole bar, they aren't chocolate and they don't taste right in with the other ingredients that they have in the bar. However they would taste nice covered in chocolate in a different packet, maybe they could make new sweets with them in it? Eh Cadbury? ;) 
Overall I believe that this is the best every chocolate ever to be invented, I was already Cadbury's number one buyer of all their products and so if they ever take this particular bar off the shelves I may have to go into some form of rehabilitation to make me better.

Until next time, xx

PS, it would be great to here from you if you read my blog and your thought on what I could do to improve and if you shared it, that would be incredible! :D Also unfortunately I can't put pictures into my posts yet, if you could help me to figure that out that'd be great :) Thank you xx

*DISCLAIMER; All opinions are my own, I write what I feel, you may not agree but this is not sponsored in any way! Here is the Cadbury's website, look at it and enjoy the chocolate!!/ (there are also lots of different types of chocolate you can also enjoy!) *

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