Hello again! Welcome back to my blog! :D
Today I am going to talk about recent nail polishes which I have purchased because as you will soon learn I am a nail polish junkie! I just love it so much, every time I am out I make a purpose of going to a drugstore to buy a new nail polish and often my sister will have to restrain me from over spending! Hey, what can I say instead of Crazy Cat Lady I can be Crazy Nail Polish lady! #SingleForLife :) haha
Anyway I will now tell you the nail polishes which I purchased and oh before I forget the nail polish I was talking about from another post I did I forgot the name of it but it was called Deep Coral. Anyway now my new things!! :D yayaya I love talking about new products which I have bought and since no one in my family care about me ranting on I think its better when I can write it all down here and you guys can read it! :P
The first thing I bought was yet another Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine Nail Paint in
the colour Grapefruit. I am completely in L-O-V-E with these nail varnishes! I think I own just about every colour in them now! The finish is just beautiful, really opaque and shiny and just gorgeous! This particular colour is also really lovely, its a nice shade of pink - not too bright yet not too pale just that nice in between colour which I really like as it will match a lot of my clothes and I can wear it everyday. So I am really pleased about this nail polish, Barry M is my favourite brand for buying nail polishes from as I know I can trust them to be of high quality and another bonus is they aren't that expensive! Score! :D
The next nail polish that I bought was from Rimmel, again another nail polish brand which I regularly buy from as I love the finish of their products and they are of a good price as well. The product which I bought was Rimmel London Salon Pro nail polish in the colours New Romantic and another in the colour Punk Rock. These particular nail polishes from the collection were created by Kate Moss. Now I didn't intentionally buy them because of that fact but I thought I would put it in anyway. I really love the colour New Romantic as it is a pale pink colour and is perfect from Spring/Summer. Its a nice pastel pink and I really think I will get a lot of use out of this colour. The Punk Rock nail polish I got because I needed it to match a new top which I got. The colour is kind of a grungy grey/blue/navy colour, not one to wear for summer but I will put it on when I am feeling the need to look grungy! I love these nail polishes because they don't chip easily and like the Barry M Gelly Hi-Shine ones they have a gel like finish to them which makes them more shiny than other nail polishes which I like.

Quick Note; Just want to say what is up with the weather today! As I look out my window it is currently raining however the sky is blue and the sun is shining! What even - bipolar much weather? What kind of Spring is this turning in to!? Anyway moving on!
The next nail polish that I bought was kind of a on the spot just grab a colour and go because on the particular day I was in the make up aisle's were for some reason jam-packed and I could barely move and I am not good for confined, claustrophobic lots of people spaces and so I went straight to the Rimmel section, saw I nice colour and ran for the till ( I didn't literally run cause well I don't run...) anyway the colour I grabbed was Oh Boy You're So Fine (Yes that is the name of it..cool or what!!) This colour will also be perfect for Summer as it is a nice pale lilac colour and I will also be able to wear this one days out. This collection of nail polish really does dry super quick, it probably does only take 60 seconds to dry which is really good if you are in a rush for your nails to dry! It has an XPressTM Brush meaning that the brush is really thick and full and so you only need to apply it to your nail once ad thats is covered - perfect! I know everything to me is perfect!

So that was the few nail polish items that I bought over the past couple of weeks and I really love them all so much ( yeah you can bring back the Crazy Nail Polish Lady joke!)
So I thought I would end this post with a funny story...
I was shopping over the weekend and was in a shop, I was wearing jeans and my combat army like boots with all the laces, you know what I mean? Anyway I was standing with my legs crossed at the till paying for my items and then when I went to walk away and step forward I realised that the laces from my boot had intertwined with the other laces from the other boot and I couldn't walk! It was so embarrassing and the till lady had to come around and untangle me from my tie up and set me free. I couldn't stop laughing which didn't help matters! Anyway thats my embarrassing shopping story. Comment and tell me yours! I enjoy a good laugh! :P
That's all for today, xox.
*Disclaimer I got all my images from Google! So none of them are mine, I do not intend to Copyright anything.*
Hello again everyone! :D
I have something very important to blog about today - chocolate!
Yes, my all time favourite thing in this whole entire world :D
You may have heard of the new Cadbury's Marvellous Creations chocolate bars if you live in the UK (Not quite sure where else they are sold!) but I know for definate that you can buy these in the UK.
There are 2 different types of this bar that you can chose from; Cookie Nut Crunch and Jelly Popping Candy Shells. I was extremely excited to try both of these bars as they both looked so darn scrummylicious!! (Yes that is a word in my mind!) and I am a big believer in trying all things new (in the chocolate and food world anyway!)
I'll start of with my least favourite of the two and that was the Cookie Nut Crunch, in my opinion I don't really like when they put cookie pieces into a chocolate bar, it's just not right and it really didn't work in this bar. The chocolate was too beautiful to be ruined with some cookie pieces in it, however if you do like when they put cookie pieces inside a chocolate bar then you will probably like this bar cause it is just bursting with them! Then there are some nutty things inside as well - I think they are hazelnut and almonds. I do like Cadbury Whole Nut so I didn't think I would mind having nuts in this bar, but the almonds had like caramel apparently on them and I DESPISE caramel anything! It is just a vile substance to put into my mouth!! I hate the taste of it! And I mean I love food and I love all things sweet but there is just something about caramel that I can not stand! Overall I wasn't really a big fan of the Cookie Nut Crunch and I don't think I will be repurchasing it!
NOW....we move on to the best chocolate bar EVER TO BE CREATED ON THIS EARTH OR ANYWHERE ELSE! (I think so anyway!) The Cadbury Jelly Popping Candy Shells Chocolate Bar! I mean seriously the inventor of this bar needs an award or something! :D so thank you to the human, dog, robot or whatever it was that made this chocolate, you have completed my life.
Lets begin with the chocolate being the creamiest, most melt in the mouth chocolate that Cadbury's has ever been. I didn't think it would ever be possible as Cadbury's chocolate is already so god damn beautiful but they have outdone themselves this time as it is perfect - the chocolate is perfect.
Then to make it even better they fully load the chocolate with Popping Candy - POPPING CANDY! My childhood has been reinstated! I can now eat popping candy without looking a 5 year old! Popping Candy is seriously so good, I don't know how they make it but I love letting the chocolate melt in my mouth and then being left with a ball of popping candy's at the end just to sit on my tongue and pop away! Weird as it sounds it is a pleasant feeling :D
Moving on in to the chocolate bar, along with the chocolate and the popping candy they also add in 'Sugar Coated Cocoa Candies' but in my head they are basically Smarties...but yeah these just add even more chocolate-y depth to the bar and make it even more delicious than anyone could ever imagine!
If I were to change one thing it would be the Fruit Flavoured Jelly Sweets which they implant like 2/3 throughout the whole bar, they aren't chocolate and they don't taste right in with the other ingredients that they have in the bar. However they would taste nice covered in chocolate in a different packet, maybe they could make new sweets with them in it? Eh Cadbury? ;)
Overall I believe that this is the best every chocolate ever to be invented, I was already Cadbury's number one buyer of all their products and so if they ever take this particular bar off the shelves I may have to go into some form of rehabilitation to make me better.
Until next time, xx
PS, it would be great to here from you if you read my blog and your thought on what I could do to improve and if you shared it, that would be incredible! :D Also unfortunately I can't put pictures into my posts yet, if you could help me to figure that out that'd be great :) Thank you xx
*DISCLAIMER; All opinions are my own, I write what I feel, you may not agree but this is not sponsored in any way! Here is the Cadbury's website, look at it and enjoy the chocolate! http://www.cadburydairymilk.co.uk/#!/ (there are also lots of different types of chocolate you can also enjoy!) *
Hello everyone! :D
So recently I went on a bit of a make up shopping spree and bought a few new bits of Max Factor products, some that I have never tried before and some new things that I had ran out off previously. All the products which I feature in this post are from Boots. This will be a long blog post but I just bought so much stuff!! Enjoy! :D
*Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored and all opinions are my own. Here is a link to the Max Factor website where you can see the products I talk about and other products which are available https://www.maxfactor.co.uk/make-up-products *
The first product which I went to repurchase was the Max Factor Colour Adapt Foundation in the colour Natural. I have used this product for my everyday make up for the past couple of months and I really like it. It feels light on your skin and very natural. Now my skin would be classified as oily/combination and I think it really suits my complexion. The colour is right for my skin tone and the foundation is easily blended into the skin which I feel is the main thing I look for when buying a foundation. The only down side I have on this foundation is that it is a mousse formulation, normally I don't like mousse's as I find they can be really thick and hard to apply but this one is relatively easy to apply either with fingers or with a brush. This foundation was £10 in the UK which I think is quite cheap as it is such a good product.
The next product is another foundation that I had not tried before, I think it is new to the line of Max Factor products. It is the Face Finity All Day Flawless 3 In 1 Foundation in the colour Warm Almond as I thought that the Natural looked to dark for my skin tone and I wanted a lighter shade to my face. This product claims that it holds like a primer, corrects like a concealer with the long lasting finish of a liquid foundation which I thought would be good as I won't need to use a primer or concealer on my face if I use this foundation. It also has an SPF of 20 which I know for some people is important.

I have only been using this product for about 2 weeks and only use it when I am going out at night or on the weekends. I find that as my skin is prone to breakouts it doesn't really do a fantastic job of covering spots and spot scars but I find that the coverage of the foundation is medium and it also blends well. It isn't a long lasting foundation which is a bit of a disappointment as I don't like having to re-apply my make up during a night out. This product was £12 in the UK and for this price I don't think that the product lives up to what it claims to do, and so I don't think I will repurchase it in the future unfortunately.
The next product that I bought on my little spree was for part of my little sisters birthday present and I decided to buy her 2 of the Max Factor Max Colour Effect Mini Nail Polish in the colours Cool Jade and Cappucino. Cool Jade is a really nice pale green/blue colour which I think looks really cute for late Spring. The Cappucino wasn't the colour I expected it to be, it looks like a Mauve purple colour in the bottle but when it dries on the nail it looks like a really pale brown/taupe colour. I don't think it suits mine or my sister's skin tone and so it doesn't really suit us so I think we will only wear it when it matches something. The nail polishes last for about 3/4 days however I find that they do chip rather easily and so it is really good lasting finish. The bottles are quite small so they are handy for travel, though I don't know how long they will last (I will keep you updated) Both the nail polishes were £2.99 each in the UK which I found quite expensive for all the size of them.

I did go in to boots to find a new lip colour product, I wasn't quite sure what I was after and so I tried lots of different types - glosses, lipsticks, lip tints, laquers and finally I decided on a lip tint as I had never had one before and really wanted to try it. The product I chose was Lipfinity Lasting Lip Tint in the colour Pink Princess. I chose this colour as I wanted one that was very subtle so I could wear it throughout the day without being too bold and it looks natural. The smell is really nice, which I like as it means I don't have to walk around with a bad smelling product on my lips that I would have to taste! I think the colour really suits my face and the product is really easy to apply on to the lips, it reminds me almost like a felt tip pen. I like to apply a clear lip gloss on top of it just to pick up the colour more and in my opinion gives it a nicer finish. I think this product was around £5.99 (don't hold me to that!) which is really good as the quality of this product is good and I know it will last me a long time!

Now I didn't know this at the time but when you spend £15+ you got a free set thing which included a mini mascara in black, Max Colour Effect Mono Eye Shadow in the colour Golden Brown,Max Factor Colour Effect Mini nail polish (not sure what colour it is but it is a red colour with a gold shimmer effect to it) and a Colour Elixir Giant Pen Stick in the colour Vibrant Pink.
So far I haven't yet tried the mascara as I don't often wear black mascara and so I think I might have to give it to my mum!
I haven't properly tried the nail polish yet either as I haven't got an outfit to wear that matches the colour, however I did do a stroke down my thumb nail just to see the real colour (after my disaster with the Cappucino I just wanted to see!) and it has a nice shimmer golden effect to it, perfect for a night out or for a sunny summer day by the beach (wooo!) If it is like the other nail polishes then I am sure I will be pleased with the product.
The eye shadow comes in a really cute little case and has the signature X carved into it, which I really like. I'm not really keen on the colour of the eye shadow, its not one that I would purposely buy but since it was free I had no choice in the matter. The colour is really pale and not really noticeable but I do use it as a base sometimes so I can layer up other colours. The consistency of the eye shadow is rather powder-y which I like as I find some cream based ones to be sticky on the lid. Over all I don't think I will run out of this product any time soon!
Finally in the free package thing I got was the Colour Elixir Giant Pen Stick. I really love this product, the feel of it does feel rather sticky on the lips however it is long lasting and feels really moisturising on my lips. The colour is very vibrant but yet still subtle enough to be able to wear during the day. The product looks like it will last a good while and so I am very happy that they included it in the package.
Also they give us a guidance leaflet which tells you how to apply the products to create certain looks and tips to apply the products correctly which would be really useful for someone just starting out with make up.
Sorry this post is rather long and a bit boring but this is my review on the products which I purchased and I realise my opinions will be different than other people's so please don't take this as something you must follow!
Love always, xx
Hello everyone!
For my first blog post I thought it would be fun to do 25 facts about me, kind of like an introduction to me as a person and to what my blog will be about and the general things I will be posting will be about, so lets get started! :)
1. My addiction in life is chocolate, all things chocolate make me happy! The food, the smell, the look of it in wrapper, chocolate shops! It is just simply amazing.
2. I can't live without the Internet!
3. I have an obsession with painting my nails - I probably own every colour under the sun that is available to buy in a nail paint bottle
4. I am annoyingly sarcastic - people often don't know whether or not to take me seriously.
5. I love going to the beach, it makes me feel relaxed and as if I am on holidays.
6. I'm not really an animal lover, however I do find giraffes beautiful, if I could own one I would keep it in my garden.
7. My favourite flower is a daisy. I don't have a clue why, I just find them pretty!
8. I want to find something that with help my hair grow faster - please someone give me some recommendations!
9. I love all things make up related - the products, brushes, make up counters, trying different brands, blogs and YouTube tutorials - it all fascinates me and makes me happy :)
10. My favourite genre of music is pop or country - or country pop! :P
11. My favourite music artists/groups are The Wanted, One Direction, Taylor Swift and Justin Bieber! Seriously would do anything to see them in concert! - I have however already saw The Wanted and One Direction in concert - best days of my life!!
12. Speaking of concerts, I am a concert weirdo! In my whole life I seen over 20 artists live! Crazy I know...
13. Taylor Swift and Jennifer Lawrence are my girl crushes.
14. I love dressing up and going out with my girls, whether it be to the cinema, for a meal, shopping, for a catch up over drinks (non-alcoholic of course!) Couldn't live without my friends!
15. Sometimes when I have trouble sleeping at night I make up my own little imagines in a head and that helps me to sleep - may be weird but it works!
16. My celebrity crushes are Niall Horan and Tom Daley - absolutely love both of them! ( I am not a stalker ok!)
17. In school I was a member of the drama club and so I am very overly dramatic in every situation!
18. When I was younger I wanted to be a chef, until I realised I can't and won't ever be able to cook although I do love eating food!
19. When I was younger I was a total tomboy who never played with dolls or watched Disney films. I blame my older brother as we dressed up as wrestlers and watched fireman Sam. So I have never saw Bambi, Lion King, Ariel, anything like that..
20. I love visiting my granny whenever I can cause she is just amazing!
21. Family means everything to me, me and my sister do everything together even though she is 4 years younger than me, we still are freakishly alike!
22. Tea is ( another ) one of my addictions - not too strong, not too milky, no sugar! ;) everyone in my widest family circle drink and are addicted to tea! It's in the genes!
23. When I was younger I almost drowned in the ocean and my mum rescued me. Ever since I hate swimming! I don't even own a swimming suit anymore which I use an excuse not to go swimming.
24. I am really short for my age! I am the smallest in my family...even my sister is taller and everyone always thinks I am like 13! :(
25. I often make random noises / faces just cause I am weird. Don't judge me!
So that was my 25 Facts about Me. Started to run out half way through, but I hope you enjoyed it and I didn't bore you!
Until next time, xx